Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Training the Trainers.....

Do doctors make the worst patients? How about EMT's? Nurses?

I think there may be some truth to this. Somehow, once we have been indoctrinated into a culture, we feel we have the right of a dictator. We don't have to listen or comply with those who may actually know more than us; for they are beneath us.

Don't succumb to this temptation.

I'm tired of the anti-intellectual movement in EMS. Especially in our great state of North Dakota.

I have been busy putting together an EMS Instructor / Coordinator course. I want to help up-and-coming EMS educators; but guess what I've found? They don't really want my help. (I'm shocked....)

They want the course to be easy, cheap and un-challenging.

They don't want online; they don't want face-to-face. They don't want the class to interrupt their lives in any way.

Sorry folks, that ain't gonna happen. I have something to teach you and you will learn whether you like it or not. (Look out, Sherm's threatening to teach us something, again!!)

For those of you who've not already taken the DOT EMS Instructor Initial course and are ready to admit you don't know EVERYTHING...... Send me an e-mail for information about the upcoming course scheduled for May 22, 2011. You won't regret it. sherm@fmambulance.com

Don't send me anything if you're not serious. Don't ask for my help if you already know everything about EMS education; I obviously can't help you.

--This was written with a significant amount of sarcasm intended. I'm not really all that cynical. Just ask Ron Lawler, Jodi Holston, Kelly Wanzek, Steve Siedschlag, Denise Vetter, Bob Klein, Kristi Engelstad or any of the other top-notch full-time, dedicated EMS educators I work with every day.

There are average EMS educators; and then there are those who take it to the realm of excellence and choose to learn from each-other.

Pick which group you want to hang with. It's really up to you, that's the cool part.


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